• Wine storage can affect a wine's longevity and taste.
  • Store unopened wines on their side in a cool, dark place with at least 50% humidity.
  • Opened wines can be recorked and saved but are best consumed within the first day of uncorking.

From inexpensive bottles to highly-sought collectibles, wine is a living and breathing thing that can continue to develop in the bottle, which is why rules around storing wine can be exacting. 

"Unless you're opening the bottle very nearly after purchase, storage becomes a key part of the bottle's story, its provenance," says Walker Strangis, fine wine specialist and owner of Los Angeles-based Walker Wines

Provenance — where the wine comes from and how it has been handled — affects how a wine tastes in the end. "You went through the trouble of selecting and paying for a specific wine, so you should want it to taste the way the winemaker intended," says Strangis. "That can only happen if the bottle is stored properly." 

Regardless of the dollar amount or age of the bottle, quality storage conditions are critical to avoid damaged or flawed wine, so here are some tips to help keep your bottles in great shape. 

According to Strangis, the general consensus in the wine industry is that ideal wine storage is at 55 degrees Fahrenheit with approximately 60% humidity. The easiest way to achieve this is with a dedicated wine fridge, but if that isn't an option, a few simple guidelines can help achieve optimum wine storage conditions at home.

1. Store your wine according to your goal

Are you storing your wines for weeks, months, or years? Wines that are being stored for shorter amounts of time can be kept at the typical 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but for wines that warrant extensive cellaring (think age-worthy Burgundy or Barolo that you want to save for a decade or longer) you can opt for slightly lower temperatures. 

"Humidity should always be above 50 percent but you can store at 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit if you want your wine to shut down for long-term storage," says Strangis. 

Conversely, storing wines at 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit will allow you to age wines a little quicker without causing them any harm — this is useful for wines that you intend to open sooner than later. 

2. Aim for a consistent temperature

"The thing that most commonly 'kills' wine is a constant fluctuation of temperatures," says Strangis. "Wine stored in a part of your house that cycles from 75 degrees during the day to 65 degrees at night for even a few weeks will do unpleasant things to the wine that cannot be undone." Choose an area that maintains a fairly consistent temperature, preferably without light — a cool closet or basement can work wonderfully.

3. Store bottles on their side

Storing bottles on their side helps keep the cork moist. Foto: Maudib/Getty Images

Wine connoisseurs will tell you that storing bottles on their side is imperative — it helps to keep the cork moist. A dry cork can start to shrink, making it susceptible to leaking or for air to enter the bottle, causing the wine to oxidize. Note that this is mostly applicable to wines meant for longer-term storage as it would take at least a few weeks for a cork to be affected by being stored upright; no need to worry about horizontal storage for ready-to-drink wines, like Sauvignon Blanc, or any wine  that comes with a screw top cap. 

4. Keep away from direct and indirect light 

Direct sunlight, electric fluorescent, and UV lighting can cause wines to age prematurely. If you must add light to your wine storage area, go for dimmable LED lights which emit very minimal heat and are less likely to damage your wine.

5. Consider professional storage

If you find yourself with more wine than you can safely store in your current home, Strangis strongly suggests seeking out off-site, professional wine storage facilities with adequate climate control and space to grow your collection. "They're not just for the uber wine geeks," says Strangis. "They take the pressure off if you find yourself with more than a case or two stacked up in your hallway."

6. Be just as gentle with opened bottles

Recork open bottles with the original cork or use special products like reusable stoppers. Foto: Tetra Images/Getty Images

"A good rule of thumb is that an opened bottle will be fine for a day but not more," says Strangis. While there are certain high-end wines that may get better with some exposure to air, most wines will become oxidized, where the wine loses its intended color and flavor. 

You can recork your bottle with its original cork, or you can use reusable stoppers (like the Rabbit silicone stoppers for still wine, or this champagne sealer for sparkling wines). To prolong the life of your opened wine, Strangis suggests buying a cheap vacuum pump (like the VacuVin) to remove some of the oxygen from the bottle prior to recorking it. 

Just like with unopened wine, a cool, dark place is the best kind of storage for your opened bottle of red, white, rose, or sparkling. You can place the recorked bottle in your wine refrigerator or regular refrigerator overnight to enjoy the following day. If you like your red wines at room temperature, be sure to remove them from the fridge an hour before serving to let them warm up a bit. 

7. Try not to store wine in your kitchen refrigerator

Conventional refrigerators are colder and less humid than wine refrigerators and aren't ideal for storing wine for more than a day or two. If you're interested in investing in a temperature-controlled wine fridge, our guide is a good place to start. 

8. Avoid excessive vibrations

Keep your wines away from the tops of refrigerators, washers and dryers, or any other appliance that could create vibration. Exposing wine to vibration can accelerate certain chemical reactions that occur during cellaring, causing your wine to age quicker than expected or create unpleasant changes to flavors and aromas. 

Insider's takeaway 

Wine storage is a key part of a wine's story, and can affect its taste and longevity. Ideally, unopened wine should be stored at a consistent temperature, with very little exposure to light, and minimal agitation. To extend the life of opened bottles for an additional day, use a vacuum pump to remove excess oxygen, recork, and store in a cool place.

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